Lumo Lift App For Mac

  1. Lumo Lift Reviews
  2. Lumo Lift App For Macbook Pro
  3. Lumo Lift App For Mac Pro
  4. Lumos Tv App
  5. Lumo Lift App For Mac Os

Proper posture while standing, sitting, and walking can greatly affect your health over time many do not realize how poorly their posture has become over years of slouching. People tend to slouch because they are too busy reading, playing video games, or spending too much time on tablets and smart phones. If your posture and health is becoming a major concern for you then the Lumo Lift is exactly what you need.

The Lumo Lift is very simple in design: the main unit is a small, non-obtrusive magnetic clasp that you attach to your clothing. This unit will track your posture as well as other important data such as the number of steps you take in a day, how often your posture is correct throughout the day, daily movement, and even caloric output. This data is then transmitted to the Lumo Lift app, accessible both iOS.

The Lumo Lift app, then swipe that screen up toward the top of your screen. This will close the Lumo Lift app. Re-open your Lumo Lift app. If you are still experiencing issues after killing/re-opening the app, please try the following: 1) Delete the Lift app from your device. To delete the app, press and hold down the Lumo Lift. The Lumo Lift and App not only keep stats on your posture but also keeps track of your steps taken, distance traveled and calories burned. This design includes the Lumo Lift Posture Sensor, a silver and a black clasp, and a charging dock. The App can be downloaded for free and is compatible with iOS 11.3 and above, and Android 5.0 and above.

Features and Specs

  • Proper Posture Tracking – the main job of the Lumo Lift is to track your posture and it does this by keeping tabs on your core position, body positions, and upper body posture.
    This system will track your posture all throughout the day, even when you are walking, sitting down, or standing up. All of the data is saved on the Lumo Lift app and you will get a daily recording to see how well you’ve done.
  • Weightless, Non-Obtrusive Design – all in all, the Lumo Lift tracker measures a mere 44.5×25.4mm, weighs 11.5 grams and is only 12.7mm thick. The front end (the clasp) which attaches to the front side of your shirt is only 2.5mm thick and weighs one gram. All together that means the device only weighs 12.5 grams – barely even noticeable. Your shirt won’t even sag so long as it isn’t too loose.
  • Simple and Intuitive to Use – a device such as this might seem daunting to use but in reality it is very simple. When you first turn it on it will ask you to pull your shoulders back, sit/stand straight, and keep your chin up. This is to allow it to record a proper baseline.
    Afterwards you simply need to double-tap the device, it will vibrate three times, and you’re ready to go! On the regular settings it will only track your posture.
    However, on the “coaching” mode you will get buzzed every time you veer off the proper body alignment. Whenever you are slouching off the pre-recorded “good posture” setting, the device will vibrate, telling you to fix your posture. As most Lumo Lift reviews have already pointed out, the device is very accurate in detecting your posture so if you tend to slouch often you will get bullied by Lumo Lift’s constant vibrating. In that sense, it does its job very well!
  • Activity Tracking and App Use – these two features come together. The Lumo Lift is able to keep track of how often your posture is “good”, distance travelled, total number of steps taken, and caloric output.
    Using the phone app, you’ll be able to review your progress. There are daily reports that show how good or bad your posture was throughout the day. This app can also give you notifications that your posture is getting better or worse.
    You will use this app to access the aforementioned “coaching” mode. This is a training session where the device will constantly buzz whenever you’re off proper posture.
  • Basic Tools in the Box – when you get the Lumo Lift there are only a few tools inside the box but these are the only tools you’ll need. First there is the main device, the Lumo Lift tracker, and then there are a few magnetic clasps. There is also a bra clasp for women. The clasps come in different colours and are all small and square in design, making them easy to blend with any type of clothing. Also in the box is the tracker’s charging dock.

How to Use Lumo Lift

Using Lumo Lift is very easy. Here is a step by step guide that will walk you through, from opening the box to tracking your data.

  1. First, take the Lumo Lift tracker and a clasp of your choice.
  2. Now you will need to activate the device and for this you will need to have the Lumo Lift app on your smart phone. Once you do, open the app.
  3. The app will notify you that you need to link the Lumo Lift tracker to the phone’s app. To do this simply follow the on-screen instructions until it asks you to double-tap the Lumo Lift.
  4. After double-tapping, the tracker will vibrate. This is the sign that it is now active and linked to the phone app.

Operating the Equipment

  1. Now that it is active, all you have to do is attach it to your clothes. Slip the tracker underneath the fabric of your shirt, particularly right below the collarbone.
  2. Use any of the magnetic clasps to lock the tracker in place.
  3. On your first time wearing, you will need to let the device know what your standard “good” posture is. Simply stand up straight, in the best posture you can conjure, and then double tap. It will record this setting and will use it as a baseline to judge your performance.
  4. That’s all there is to it! Simply wear the device and it will keep track of your performance throughout the day.

Using the Coaching Mode

  1. The Coaching Mode is a training session that can last five minutes or longer. It is a programmed mode that makes the device vibrate any time you are off the proper posture.
  2. Simply turn this mode on by activating it on the phone app.

Tracking Your Progress

By accessing the Lumo Lift app you will be able to check:

  • How your posture has been through the day, week, or a specific date
  • How long you’ve been at rest
  • How long you’ve maintained good posture
  • Caloric output
  • Steps taken (pedometer settings)
  • Goal for total steps
  • Coaching Mode statistics

Lumo Lift Benefits

This Lumo Lift review has gone through the different features of the posture-fixing device and with all things said there are many pros and cons with it. First off, here is a quick rundown of the main benefits of the Lumo Fit, to be quickly followed by a list of its main drawbacks.

  • The Lumo Lift does what it was built to do. It accurately measures your posture and does a good job in keeping track of your progress. The data forces a person to unconsciously attempt to make their posture better.
  • It is very lightweight and very non-obtrusive. The clasps are small and light, making it easy to wear with any type of clothing. The added touch of a bra clasp is ingenious marketing as well.
  • There is no doubt that the Lumo Lift is easy to use. Simply double-tap and you’re good to go. The mobile app is easy to access and its interface is quick to browse through. You won’t need to sit through a lengthy manual just to use the Lumo Lift.
  • Battery life is amazing. It only takes two hours for it to fully charge (from an absolutely drained battery status) but it will last you a good full five days of use. The charging dock uses USB charging ports, making it easy to use on any computer or wall (with a USB adaptor).
  • You will want to sync the device so you can store all of the data over time. Even when you don’t the built-in 32MB data space is good enough to store four weeks of data!


The coaching mode is sadly a short training session. It would have been nice if there was an option to keep it on longer. The developers stated that this was to prevent consumers from feeling “nagged” all the time. Still, it would have been a nice addition to those who wanted it.

What Customers Say About It

If you take a moment to search for online Lumo Lift reviews you will notice that the average consumer gives it a four out of five stars, even on major retail websites. A common Lumo Lift praise is how its tracking app entices users to beat their “score” by fixing their posture the next day. The only common complaint is that there is no mode for Yoga postures. However, Lumo Bodytech Inc. had stated that there are plans to include this feature later on.

Buy lumo lift


Whether you are suffering from back pains, poor spinal conditions, or you just want to stand with confidence, the Lumo Lift is the ideal tool to turn to. It is very accurate in keeping track of your data, it is easy to use, and it is built to be non-obtrusive and long-lasting with its five-day battery life. If you wanted the perfect health device to monitor your posture then the Lumo Lift is the best gadget in the market today.



The Lumo Lift was a wearable device that tracked and reinforced good posture (now discontinued). It was one of the earliest posture correcting devices on the market, and it debuted with a basic app that had some prominent usability flaws. As an advocate for posture correction and a fan of the Lumo Lift, I conducted usability research on the Lumo Lift and redesigned its iOS and Android apps to be more user friendly and to follow platform conventions.


iOS, Android


UX & UI Design
User Testing


Sketch, InVision


The Lumo Lift app had some core usability issues that undermined its effectiveness:

  • Data was difficult to compare, making it hard to make progress
  • Key app functionality (comparing trends, configuring the posture coach, settings) was either hidden or undiscoverable
  • The app uses 'good posture hours' as its key metric, but it is an unclear and ineffective metric that is not explained


I redesigned the Lumo Lift iOS and Android apps with both aesthetic and functional improvements:


Before redesigning the Lumo Lift, I wanted to understand the most prominent and pressing issues that users of the current app faced. To that end, I conducted in-person user testing and gathered app feedback from a variety of inputs.


  • In-person testing: 3 testers who expressed interest in correcting their posture and potentially buying the Lumo Lift. I observed them as they set up the Lumo Lift app on their own devices, and they borrowed and used the Lumo Lift for at least 2 full days. At the end of that period, they reported any usability issues that they encountered and answered questions regarding their usage of the main features of the app.
  • Online customer reviews: I looked at all of the reviews for the Lumo Lift app on iTunes and the Google Play store up to the end of February 2016. I also surveyed reviews from Amazon, but due to sheer volume and the fact that most reviews were for the Lumo Lift hardware as opposed to the app, I only looked at the month of February 2016.


After gathering in-person and online comments on the Lumo Lift, I categorized the issues, ranked them by priority, and then presented solutions to work into the redesign.

See full Lumo Lift user research report

The trends page showed a bar graph of the percentage of good posture within the hour, but did not give specific details. 2 testers mentioned that they wanted to see a breakdown of good and bad posture by the minute, and 2 customers directly commented on it in their reviews: (1) “My main complaint is that I can’t get more detail about my activity. It would be great to know if there are times when I slouch more, or what my activity curve looks like.” (2) “I would be more inclined to use the app if it showed more stats, like my current posture or how many minutes of good posture I’ve had so far that day.”

Solution: Give a breakdown of good and bad posture for each minute of the hour.

The “Trends” button was located at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. 2 testers were unaware of the trends page. Before being guided to it, one expressed the desire to see something exactly like the trends page, with posture by the hour. (Appendix)

Solution: Surface the trends page by placing the link somewhere more prominent, or putting some data directly on the main page with a link to easily access the rest of it.

9 customer reviews commented that the app lacks a way to view or compare data over long stretches of time, in order to see progress. One mentioned, “Some history display aka FitBit would be useful,” and another wrote, “Chart comparisons would be great or more details.” (Appendix)

Solution: The trends page had graphs that compared hourly posture and daily posture, but it appears that customers may not have been discovering the latter, or may still have found it difficult to use for comparisons. Progress could also be tracked via other data like the duration of continuous good posture or the number of buzzes per hour, as suggested by a tester.

An hour was classified as a 'good posture hour' when the user had good posture for at least 40% of the hour. That means that somebody could reach 39% good posture for 12 hours, but still have 0 good posture hours. In addition, good posture for 40% and 99% of the hour were both recorded the same way, as 1 good posture hour.

All 3 testers remarked that the good posture hour metric could be improved: (1) “posture hours is a bit ambiguous;” (2) “it’s not a very intuitive metric;” (3) it’s “just the total, I want something more granular.' 4 customer reviews expressed frustration at the use of “good posture hours” as a metric. One pointed out the lack of context: “…it will tell you '5 hours of good posture'. Swell, but five hours compared to what? Did I only wear the thing for five hours, or did I use it for sixteen hours?” Another lamented that it records 0 hours if one is below the 40% goal line: “I love the concept of the device but only seeing zero hours of good posture despite having the coach turned on is discouraging. I would like to see more minute-to-minute data to stay motivated.” (Appendix)

Solution: Another more intuitive metric for tracking posture could be introduced, such as a count of the total number of minutes of good posture, the longest string of continuous good posture, number of buzzes per hour, etc. This would give more motivation to those who are starting out and struggle with reaching the targeted 40% good posture in an hour, and it would also offer those who consistently exceed the target a way to quantify their achievements (distinguishing between 40% and 99% of the hour).

Realtime reporting on posture was a key feature of the Lift, but it was hidden under two layers (Coach > Enable Vibrations > Test Delay), and the pathway to it was not obvious. 1 tester asked, “is there a live view like fitbit?” after having tested the Lift for a day. 3 customer reviews spoke of this issue: (1) “Can not see the realtime status.” (2) “the app is supposed to have a screen that IMO is incorrectly hidden behind “Test the Delay” button.” (3) “At the minimum you’d expect a realtime easy UI that shows you whether you’re slouching or not, and some constant realtime counter of your good posture time. The device can do it as there’s a setting screen that does this sort of but it’s cumbersome to get to.” (Appendix)

Solution: Surface the realtime reporting feature, either to the main page or under an easily accessible and intuitive link on the main page.


Lumo Lift Reviews

The home screen was the area with the most potential for improvement. As the first screen that people saw, the home screen needed to be easy to comprehend and navigate. I also surfaced commonly used features that were previously hidden and rethought metrics and interactions that caused confusion.


  1. Data was displayed in a circular graph, which is more difficult to approximate
  2. Arrows to see previous/next days were in the center of the page, removed from the date and easily missed
  3. Trends link was at the bottom of the page. Testers missed it and tried to tap on the circles instead to look at trends (no link)
  4. Coach status was displayed, but the user could not turn coaching on or off on the homepage
  1. Data is displayed in a bar graph along with the percentage completion of the user's goal
  2. Data from other days is easier to access, and indicators are added showing if goals were completed on previous days
  3. Trends link is in the tab bar at the bottom. Tapping on the bar graphs also leads to the Trends page
  4. Coach can be turned on and off directly on the home screen
  5. A live posture report is added. People liked this functionality but complained that it was hidden


The primary metric that the Lumo Lift app used was a 'good posture hour,' which was defined as an hour in which someone maintained good posture for at least 40% of the hour. User research revealed that people were confused with the metric of 'good posture hours,' and did not find the metric to be useful (see user research findings for more details).

In order to enable people to benchmark and track their posture improvements, the app needed a new metric that was more intuitive and granular. The metric that I propose is total time in good posture for each day. This metric is easy to compare across days, works well with goal setting and tracking, and does not depend on Coach Mode being turned on (as metrics related to buzzes would).

The Lumo Lift was already collecting a form of time in good posture, as it displayed the percentage of each hour in good posture. But development may be required to collect posture data at a more granular level. Further testing could show whether the increased clarity of the new metric would be worth the investment.


For the most part, there are not many differences between the iOS and Android versions of the redesigned Lumo Lift app. The date picker is the area with the most prominent difference, so it has two separate designs in order to follow platform conventions.


The date picker on iOS follows the date pattern in the Apple Health app, which consists of a row of dates that the user can individually select or scroll through horizontally. This allows people to get an overview of past days at a glance and makes it easy to browse through the most recent days.


The iOS date pattern is not common on Android, so the Android date picker uses the Android convention of a dropdown calendar instead. This pattern is found in the native Google Calendar app. It has an extra step (tapping to open the calendar) compared to the iOS date pattern, but it allows people to easily browse through a wider range of dates.


I redesigned the Trends screen to make data easier to compare at a glance, and introduced a more granular breakdown of posture by the minute.


During wireframing, I explored alternative ways of displaying step and posture data on the Trends screen. Horizontal bar graphs leave more space to display numbers, but too many important features were hidden (posture and steps could not be displayed at once, and the minute option could not be in the menu). I went back to vertical bar graphs, but could not display the numbers in a legible way. Finally, I landed on vertical bar graphs with progressive disclosure, which the app already used, but I cleaned up the screen and added more structure to the graph.

Lumo Lift App For Macbook Pro


User research showed that people wanted a more detailed breakdown of their posture than the app provided. Though people could see their percentage of time in good posture for any given hour, they wanted more granular information on their posture throughout an hour (see user research findings for more details).

To address this need, I added a breakdown of posture by the minute to the Trends screen. This enables people to relate their posture with specific activities and to better pinpoint when and where their posture tends to be the best/worst.

Lumo Lift App For Mac Pro

To implement this new feature, a couple of things would have to be considered: first, granularity. Tracking and displaying posture for each second may be unfeasible, but instead the app could track in 10-second blocks (maintaining good posture for the full 10 seconds would result in a 'good posture' block, slouching at any point during the 10 seconds would result in a 'slouching' block). Second, there may also be development work required to achieve the required level of granularity, and further testing would be needed to show whether it would be worth the investment.


A central part of the Lumo Lift app redesign was updating the app UI and making sure that it was consistent throughout. I selected a new color palette that better matched the Lumo Lift branding and created a style guide that holds true across both iOS and Android.

Lumos Tv App


Lumo Lift App For Mac Os

A comparison of the previous Lumo Lift app and its redesign on iOS and Android: