- Select For Update Mysql
- Jdbctemplate Batch Update
- Oracle Sql Select For Update
- Spring Jdbctemplate Batchupdate
- Details
- Written by Nam Ha Minh
- Last Updated on 02 September 2019 | Print Email
1. Working with JDBC in Spring (JdbcTemplate)
Spring framework simplifies JDBC development through the use of JdbcTemplate class which helps programmers to avoid common errors, reduce boilerplate code to focus on writing SQL queries and extracting result set. To useIn this example you will learn how to select records from the database using JdbcTemplate.queryForList method. This method returns a List object which stores information selected from the table in a HashMap object. The key of the map is the table’s field names while the value of the map contains the corresponding table’s field value. The JDBC template is the main API through which we'll access most of the functionality that we're interested in: creation and closing of connections; executing statements and stored procedure calls; iterating over the ResultSet and returning results; Firstly, let’s start with a simple example to see what the JdbcTemplate can do.
JdbcTemplate, we must inject a DataSource reference either via constructor or setter when instantiating a new JdbcTemplate object. For example:Or setting the DataSource reference via setter:Then use variants of the JdbcTemplate’supdate() and query() methods for execute updates and queries. For example:For querying for results, an implementation (typically an anonymous class) of the RowMapper interface must be provided in order to map a row from the result set to an object in the returned list. Let’s see the details by coding a sample project.2. Setting up Database
Execute the following MySQL script to create a database called ‘contactdb’ with a table named ‘contact’:3. Configuring Dependencies in Maven
- Spring JDBC dependency:
- MySQL Connector Java dependency:
4. Writing Model Class
Code a JavaBean class as follows:This class simply maps a row in the contact table to a Java object.5. CRUD Examples with JdbcTemplate
Here’s code of a sample program that demonstrates performing CRUD operations using JDBC with Spring JdbcTemplate:For executing a query that select all rows from the tabble and returns a list of domain model class objects, you can use the BeanPropertyRowMapper class greatly simplifies the code, for example:As long as the Contact class has the fields exactly match the columns in the database table.You can also use theSelect For Update Mysql
BeanPropertyRowMapper class for a query that returns a single object, for example:NOTES:- You should change the database URL, username and password according to settings on your environment.
- For executing SQL Insert statement, you can use the SimpleJdbcInsert class that greatly simplifies the code.
- The JdbcTemplate’s methods throw runtime DataAccessException, so here’s an example if you want to catch this exception explicitly:
Jdbctemplate Batch Update
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About the Author:
Nam Ha Minh is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He started programming with Java in the time of Java 1.4 and has been falling in love with Java since then. Make friend with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos you YouTube.[Eclipse-Maven project] | 13 kB |
The JdbcTemplate class executes SQL queries, update statements and stored procedure calls, performs iteration over ResultSets and extraction of returned parameter values. It also catches JDBC exceptions and translates them to the generic, more informative, exception hierarchy defined in the org.springframework.dao package.
Instances of the JdbcTemplate class are threadsafe once configured so it can be safely inject this shared reference into multiple DAOs.
Basic Query methods
Some of the queryFor* methods available in JdbcTemplate are useful for simple sql statements that perform CRUD operations.
Oracle Sql Select For Update
Querying for Date
Querying for Integer
Querying for String
Querying for List
Query for List of Maps
Batch operations
JdbcTemplate also provides convenient methods to execute batch operations.
Batch Insert
Batch Update
There are further batchUpdate methods which accept List of object array as input parameters. These methods internally use BatchPreparedStatementSetter to set the values from the list of arrays into sql statement.
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate extension of JdbcTemplate
The NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
class adds support for programming JDBC statements using named parameters, as opposed to programming JDBC statements using only classic placeholder ( '?') arguments. The NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
class wraps a JdbcTemplate
, and delegates to the wrapped JdbcTemplate
to do much of its work.