How To Install Sapcar

Set the install directory to C: sap hdbclient on windows or linux or Mac to users youruser sap hdbclient and complete the installation. After the installation process is completed, update your path environment variable so that the SAP HANA client programs such as hdbsql can be found on your path. Easier way to extract.SAR and.CAR files with SAPCAR under Windows April 12, 2012. This gives you an opportunity to see the messages output by sapcar.exe. As I want to install the SAPCAR file in linux but not able to run this. As I want to use SAPJVM file which is in.SAR format so i want to install SAPCAR. Rename the SAPCAR exe filename(For example: I have renamed it from SAPCAR73.EXE to SAPCAR.EXE) 5. Go to command prompt,and then go to the folder.location(i,e C:/HANA/SAR - This folder is having SAPCAR exe file in it along with the other.sar files) 6. Type sapcar -xvf and then the full file name and press enter.Please see below.

Unzip and install the latest SAPCAR utility on your Unwired Server or Unwired. Basically the tool is very similar to gzip tool very known from Linux/Unix like OS. Its usually located at usr sap sid dvebmgs00 exe; To uncar your *.sar files, run.


I have some .car files and want to extract its particular folder in my hard
Goodtask 4.9.5. Program latihan olahraga. disk. All extract files copied bydefault in c drive, While using sapcar
command. Could you please tell me how to use the sapcar options?

M.Siva kumar

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How To Install Sapcar

Adobe flash player old version for windows 7. I am new to Linux.I am currently trying to write a command line which should execute a *.exe inside a folder abc.

I have tried

But the error says no such file or directory.

Any suggestions?


migrated from stackoverflow.comSep 29 '09 at 22:24

This question came from our site for professional and enthusiast programmers.

7 Answers


but if it's really a Windows program, you will need to install 'wine', then do:

but only some Windows programs will work under wine.

Depeche mode complete discography torrent download. This anwswer is combining other answers in to this question into one.

The info.exe file will either execute under Linux or Windows, but not both.

If the file is a windows file, it will not run under Linux on it's own. So if that's the case, you could try running it under a windows emulator (WINE). If it's not compatible with wine, then you won't be able to execute it under Linux.

Before you can start, you will need to install wine. The steps you need to install wine will vary on the linux platform you are on. You can probably google 'Ubuntu install wine', if for example, you're installing ubuntu.

Once you have wine installed, then you'd be able to execute these commands.

if you know this file to run under linux, then you'll want to execute these commands:

Sap How To Install Sapcar

Change to your abc directory

Then you'll want to change permissions to allow all users to execute this file (a+x).
you could also allow just the user to execute (u+x)


Opel insignia dvd 800 software update download. Launch the program, the ./ tells the command line to look in the current pathfor the file to execute (if the 'current' directory isn't in the $PATH environmentvariable.

How To Install Sapcar On Linux

Roy RicoRoy Rico

you can't :) exe is Microsoft only. now if you had a linux executable you could do:

Linux Executable To Windows Exe

On Linux you give the file executable permissions. It isn't the extension that determines whether or not it can be executed (as on windows.)

How To Install Sapcar.exe On Linux

Assuming you have a valid file that can be executed in Linux, (not a windows/dos file) do this:

Note that you need the leading ./ for the shell to find the file in the current directory!

This really belongs on superuser though.

Byron WhitlockByron Whitlock

I recently wanted to run some old MSDOS .exe files and I could just use dosbox. On Ubuntu it was just

apt-get install dosbox

SapcarHow to install sapcar.exe on linux


dosbox file.exe

.exes are generally Windows executables, not linux ones. To run those, use something like WINE.

Otherwise, to run a Linux executable, there are many ways, e.g.:

  1. cd abc; ./info.exe
  2. ./abc/info.exe
  3. /full/path/to/abc/info.exe
  4. Add 'abc' to your PATH, then just run it as a normal command.

Wine is a program that you can install, it's a program to run .exe files in linux.

apt-get install wine

(go to teh directory of your file: /cd (ex: Desktop/)And to open your .exe file:


Any problems with wine you can do: wine --help

That's the way I tried and it works.

How To Install Sapcar On Windows

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I used this again today, so I thought I better come back and give praise where due. I can’t leave things alone, so I had to modify yours ……

Sap how to install sapcar

SAPCAR.EXE -xvf %1, -R “.sapcar_out”


The files extracted are sent to the sub directory sapcar_out (which is created in the current directory if it doesn’t already exist) – i.e. if you use the bat file to open c:fredsapcar.sar then the files are extracted to c:fredsapcar_out

The pause statement does exactly that, waiting for a response before continuing. This gives you an opportunity to see the messages output by sapcar.exe

Example usage, with the message generated by the pause statement highlighted.

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